Tuesday, July 02, 2002

More Nuttiness from NR

The Washington Times picked up the piece Larry Kudlow wrote for National Review Online last week, "Taking back the market...by force".

I formally submit that this is the third nuttiest contention to come out of the NR doors since 9/11 (respectfully behind Rich Lowry's suggestion of "Nuking Mecca," and Ann Coulter's "invade, kill, and convert" solution).

I mean, the guy is explicitly calling for what will amount to a bloody, catastrophic war to "revive the American spirit" and "elevate the stock market by a couple thousand points." Kudlow believes that this can be accomplished via a "small war" (even though the DOD says it will require at least 200,000 troops), and following such an event, "We will know our businesses will stay open, that our families will be safe and that our future will be unlimited. The world will be righted in this life-and-death struggle to preserve our values and our civilization."

Whew! Now that you put it that way...

Errr...this is madness! Who needs conspiracy theories when we have morons openly calling for a war in order to lift morale and boost the economy?! With rhetoric like this passing for respectable discourse, it's a wonder why there aren't more people out there who hate America.