Pure Evil: The Economics of the War Party
Justin Raimondo has picked up on Larry Kudlow's call for war and is horrified by what he sees:
For the Kudlow Doctrine – better living through mass murder – is, by far, the worst product of the conservative movement's degeneration into little more than a pack of bloodthirsty monsters. Kudlow wins the Bloodlust Award hands down. His scheme is far uglier, morally, than anything Max Boot has come up with. Beside Kudlow's "let's kill our way out of the recession" scenario, National Review editor Rich Lowry's proposal to "nuke Mecca" seems innocently schoolboyish.We seem to interpret this one the same way. Yet, I must admit that his analysis adds a significant layer beyond my concerns with a lengthy discussion of the possible economic collapse following an attack against Iraq and expansion of the war.
...The moral meaning of the Kudlow Doctrine is all too plain: these guys will stoop to anything in order to drag us into a permanent war on a global scale. If Christian Zionism and fairy tales of the "end times" don't work, try anthrax conspiracy stories blaming Saddam. If that doesn't work, then tell them a Middle East war will usher in a new era of prosperity. Lie, cheat, smear your enemies, and spread the poisonous "memes" of the War Party far and wide...