Let Freedom Ring!

"This book really nails the issue...Liberalism and Satanism are so synonomous it's amazing. Anyone who gives a damn about other people should be hung up and left in the desert for a slow death...This book is so satisfying to the central theme of today's conservative movement, I highly recommend that you read it."The quote above is from a "member book review" of Sean Hannity's Let Freedom Ring: Winning the War of Liberty Over Liberalism contributed to the NR Book Service. I have rarely seen such eloquence in print before.
- Stan Davis
While the book is not set to be released until next week, knowing what I do about Hannity, I predict that it will be full of more invective and gross misrepresentations than even Queen Ann's recent bestseller. Mind you, this will not be an easy task for Hannity (or whoever ghost writes for him), so I am putting myself out on a limb here. Oh, and if you're that interested, feel free to greet the honorable "Democratic Fascist" on his book tour.