Monday, September 09, 2002

Heaping on the Propaganda

I’d make a venture that the White House has this week highlighted on their calendar as the "week to scare the public into accepting the need to attack Iraq." Last week, Mark Steel observed that the Bushies were "cobbling together evidence," since the blanket pronouncements of Saddam's "evilness" weren’t enough to sway public opinion. So, expect the full propaganda push in the coming days…

For example, from today’s offerings:

Bush is set to address the country on 9/11 and the UN on 9/12. Till then, expect these and related stories to receive a lot of play in the media.

Update: According to the NY Times, the propaganda push we are seeing is, indeed, "a meticulously planned strategy to persuade the public." "'From a marketing point of view,' said Andrew H. Card Jr., the White House chief of staff who is coordinating the effort, 'you don't introduce new products in August.'" Yep, you wait till September...especially when you have an orgy of mourning just 'round the corner.