Way to Go, London

The BBC reports that organizers claim over 400,000 made it out to a protest march in London against the proposed war on Iraq. It's amazing, and a bit sad, that at this point in time we Americans would be lucky to get a number in the tens of thousands for a similar display. Maybe all we need is time and the bodies'll be out in da streets...
Related: Paul Street runs down a pretty comprehensive list of the arguments being made against the war on Iraq. After doing so, he adds:
Americans looking for reasons to oppose war on Iraq should certainly review the official reasons presented above in bullet-point form. They should also visit the web site of "Voice in the Wilderness," an excellent peace and justice organization that posts a plethora of disturbing facts and photographs, both documenting and personalizing the terrible human consequences of US policy in Iraq. In a minimally decent, civilized, and morally responsible nation, the mere chance that thousands more innocent people might be killed by a proposed government action would be all the information needed to preclude the action.
It's something worth reflection for Americans who continue to wonder why the "Arab Street" hates us. Also worth reflection in a time when US policymakers fret over the power of stateless terror networks: the ultimate form of global terrorism continues to be, as for many centuries now, the international system of state power, under whose hegemony ruling classes of various nations collaborate in the victimization of ordinary non-policymaking men, women, and children, for whom the first agenda is simply to survive from one day to the next.