Bush did it!
Nice one, George:
We can say that the administration’s war on Iraq is about nothing more than gaining control of oil fields for the profit of oil companies and others, and no one bats an eye. A majority of Americans firmly believe this. They believe that our “elected representatives” in government are prepared to kill thousands of men, women, and children in order to grow richer and more powerful. And why shouldn’t they? We’ve seen this “realpolitik” played out again and again.
But propose that these same unethical people ordered a hit on the extremely liberal Paul Wellstone, a senator who voted against the war resolution, and you suddenly find yourself accused of indulging in paranoid conspiracy theories.
...Personally, I think it’s crazy not to suspect foul play. And the more I learn about how liberal Wellstone was, the more I wonder. Do I know it wasn’t an accident? Of course not. Do I know that Bush and Co. are capable? Of course.
It’s rather funny that we are so enamored with movies and television programs about the Mafia, those charismatic folks who routinely torture and murder to control their empires, yet we can’t see that they are exactly the type of people who are at the highest levels of government.
Anyway, I’m paranoid if I say that President Bush is out to get me, yes, but if I say President Bush is a scumbag capable of ordering a hit on a political enemy and that he is out to get America -- to kill the American democratic experiment -- I’m merely stating the obvious.