Monday, October 28, 2002

Hannity vs. Scoobie

Scoobie Davis had a nice little encounter with everyone's favorite "Democratic Fascist," Sean Hannity, last Friday. An excerpt:

SCOOBIE: ...You have to put your resources towards viable candidates, such as getting rid of George, er, I’m sorry, Jeb Bush, who was responsible for purging tens of thousands of minority voters from the polls back in 2000 through this felony—

HANNITY: Can I ask you—what is it about all these liberals; they’re so filled with vitriol. They so filled with animosity. Sir, no such thing happened. It’s an absolute lie and it’s even a bigger disgrace that you repeat the lie.

SCOOBIE: BBC journalist Greg Palast—

HANNITY: BBC, now we’re quoting the Brits, okay.

SCOOBIE: He did a study and he found how Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush used the felony voter purge to get tens of thousands of eligible voters off the voter rolls and these people didn’t have access to any kind of ballot once they were at the polls—


HANNITY: First of all, that’s untrue. It’s never been proven...
Oh, really? The Choicepoint scandal unearthed by Palast has been thoroughly documented. Had the lemmings in the mainstream American press properly contexualized, or paid even the slightest attention to, this issue, then Merchants of Truth like Hannity wouldn't be able to hide behind such hazy concepts as "unproven".