Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Bring This to the Table on Thursday

"Like people everywhere, most people in the US think it’s wrong to kill civilians as a means of pressuring their government. But for many, the link between this conviction and opposition to the US plan to attack Iraq is severed by fear, misinformation and a desensitization to what war will really mean for ordinary people in Iraq. This guide is intended to help combat the euphemisms (“collateral damage”) and passive language (“bombs fell”) that obscure the suffering that the Bush Administration’s plans will cause. We hope it will be useful to you in navigating conversations about the war and encouraging family and friends to take a stand for peaceful alternatives.

"This 'Thanksgiving Table Guide' is part of MADRE’s Every Child Has a Name campaign to raise funds for an emergency shipment of children’s medicines and milk for Iraqi families threatened by a US attack."