Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Republican Poll Watchers

The election situation is still a bit topsy turvy, so I don't think it's prudent to start commenting yet. In the meantime, Joe Conason offers this:

If the early exit numbers leaking out hold, there will be no enormous change in the congressional stalemate when this election is over. The big Election Day story may well be the efforts of the Republican Party to discourage citizens from exercising their democratic rights. Bulletins from around the country suggest a national strategy, coordinated from Washington, to intimidate Democratic voters in the name of preventing "fraud."

While there have been reports of such tactics from places as far afield as Tennessee, Texas and Maryland, the smoking document turned up in Pennsylvania -- where the Republicans were desperately trying to preserve Rep. George Gekas from defeat. Today the Lebanon Daily News ran an editorial...denouncing the Gekas campaign for preparing a systematic effort to "challenge" voters in counties favorable to his Democratic opponent, Rep. Tim Holden.

...In other words, Republican "poll watchers" around the country evidently have been instructed to attempt to stop people from voting, without regard to the specific provisions of state law. This is a disgrace without parallel since the civil rights era (or at least since Florida 2000). Should the Democrats hold onto the Senate, an appropriate subcommittee should investigate these schemes -- because the Republicans never will.