Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Provoking Terrorist Attacks

In her latest column, Heather Wokusch cites a September UPI story about a report which came out of a Summer 2002 meeting of the Defense Science Board. The UPI story is worth excerpting, just as a reminder about where our tax dollars are going and what our government is up to:

The United States should create an elite group of counter-terror operatives to make the war on terrorism pre-emptive and proactive, duping al Qaida into undertaking operations it is not prepared for and thereby exposing its personnel, a Pentagon report advocating more than $7 billion in new spending will recommend.
For clarification, Wokush translates what the report is actually talking about: "provoking attacks against Americans." Chris Floyd had the goods on this back in November. Also see a Powerpoint presentation from the DSB meeting mentioned above.