The War You've Never Heard About
As the US prepares to invade Iraq I think we should all ask each other this question: "Do you remember the last war? The one that took place a little over two and a half years ago?"Read more about this war, here.
You remember that one dont you? It wasnt a little war. No, not little at all, it was a great big war. Probably the last great land war in history. In this war an army of at least a million invaded a little country, carrying out a policy of scorched earth everywhere they went. Murder, rape, looting, planting booby traps in peoples homes and poisoning the water supplies. They even dug up graveyards and scattered the bones of war dead in the wind.
Of course you know what war I am talking about, right? The one where one poor, small country got invaded and almost half of the people in the country became not "refugees" mind you, but "internally displaced persons"? That's right, almost two million people were forced from their homes by this war and you know which one I am talking about...right? No, not the Kosovo war, not the war against Yugoslavia. Only 800,000 were "internally displaced persons" in that one. No, I am afraid that I am talking about the war where the little country being invaded had the UN put an international arms embargo against them. Ring a bell? No?