Sunday, March 09, 2003

Faking and Hiding Evidence?

Documents alleging that Iraq has tried to revive its nuclear arms programme are fake, according to IAEA Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei. How much of the other evidence which condemns Iraq has been faked? Anyone want to venture a guess?

In a related story about the progress made by UN weapons inspectors, the Times of London reports that a recently declassified study from the UN "contained a hidden bombshell with the revelation that inspectors have recently discovered an undeclared Iraqi drone with a wingspan of 7.45m, suggesting an illegal range that could threaten Iraq’s neighbours with chemical and biological weapons."

"US officials were outraged that Hans Blix, the chief UN weapons inspector, did not inform the Security Council about the drone, or remotely piloted vehicle, in his oral presentation to Foreign Ministers and tried to bury it in a 173-page single-spaced report distributed later in the day. The omission raised serious questions about Dr Blix’s objectivity," the Times alleges.

This last piece of information is sure to run hot in pro-war corners.

Update: Blix denies that he was covering up anything. "Dr Blix said that Iraq should have declared the drone," the Times reports, "but it would not be illegal unless it went further than the UN permitted range of 150km or was equipped to disperse chemical or biological weapons. Iraq says that its range is 55km."