Friday, May 09, 2003

Don't Lift the Sanctions

"For a dozen years," Rahul Mahajan writes, "every time we in the anti-sanctions movement talked about the suffering caused by the sanctions (well over 500,000 children under the age of five dead and a society in ruins), the constant refrain from the Bush administration, the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration -- was that the suffering was not caused by sanctions but by the regime. Once the regime is destroyed, miraculously, the Bush administration realizes overnight that sanctions were actually harmful and that it's necessary to remove that burden from the Iraqi people in order to provide humanitarian aid and reconstruction."

"Did this administration which tried to keep Iraqi infants from being vaccinated for diphtheria and limited imports of streptomycin into the country, see a blinding light on the road to Baghdad?"

Not quite.

Perhaps surprisingly, Mahajan is opposed to the American plan to lift the sanctions on Iraq. Find out why.

Update: Justin Raimondo takes Mahajan to task for his flip-flop on the sanctions issue.