Tuesday, September 30, 2003

The Plame/Wilson Scandal

The Plame/Wilson Scandal

Plamegate is, as expected, all over the news now and the damage control is in full effect. The administration is trying to deflect criticism away from Karl Rove, while Robert Novak is trying to throw some water on the charges with a clever denial that he was contacted by the administration. This does not jibe with what he's said previously, though.

I may periodically post on this, but will not follow the story like a hawk. A great number of other blogs are, especially Eschaton and TPM. I recommend checking them out if you want to keep a close eye on how the story evolves in the coming days and weeks.

Again, this Google News link is particularly useful for checking on the most recent reports and articles as they appear in the media.

Update: Mother Jones has a great rundown of some of the questions this story prompts, not about the administration's actions (as contemptible as they are), but of the media's handling of the story.