Saturday, March 13, 2004


Amazingly, CIA director George Tenet claims he knew nothing about the work of the Office of Special Plans. This is, of course, a laughable proposition.

In his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Tenet also admitted to having cautioned the Bush administration, Cheney in particular, about making too many unsupported claims regarding Iraq's alleged threat to the west.

In other OSP news, Salon has published a lengthy article by Karen Kwiatkowski, the former Pentagon official turned whistleblower, which summarizes what she's learned about the OSP. There's little in her piece that hasn't been revealed in her previous columns, but it's nonetheless a good primer of how she views the scandal.

The Washington Post also rings in with a piece that pretty much whitewashes the OSP role in the Iraq mess. The Post article is confined to beaurecratic details and has nothing substantial to say about the funneling of intelligence from the INC. Compare and contrast this article by Dana Priest with Kwiatkowski's Salon essay and Jim Lobe's reporting on this issue and you're left with a startling different picture.