Friday, May 20, 2005


Summarizing the case for impeachment in Salon, Juan Cole looks at the lies that led to war in Iraq.

Old hat, you say? Quite, but until something actually happens on this front, it's worth pounding away.

After tying the Downing Street Memo to previous exposes of Bush's fraudulent march to war, Cole asks at the end of his essay:

Why has there not been more outrage in the United States at these revelations? Many Americans may have chosen to overlook the lies and deceptions the Bush administration used to justify the war because they still believe the Iraq war might have made them at least somewhat safer. When they realize that this hope, too, is unfounded, and that in fact the war has greatly increased the threat of another terrorist attack on U.S. soil, their wrath may be visited on the president and the political party that has brought America the biggest foreign-policy disaster since Vietnam.
At this point, we can only hope. That news like the Downing Street Memo continues to fall on deaf ears doesn't instill much confidence, though.