Wednesday, May 25, 2005

On Left and Right

I agree almost completely with what Robert Paul Wolff says here.

The whole left/right divide in the US means very little to me at the moment. In fact, I've increasingly found myself becoming more closely aligned with right libertarians during the Bush years, and that's something I would have had trouble predicting in, say, the late 1990s.

Today the major questions at the heart of this country are ones of militarism and imperialism. Until these forces are defeated, or at least rolled back, the old political categories are largely irrelevant.

This is not to say that there isn't room for disagreement even now, but I think the priority of all reasonable Americans should be to stop this country's murderous rampage. It is destroying countless lives and exacerbating those inequalities and injustices that make this world such an ugly place sometimes, while threatening to condemn future generations to an even darker, more violent, and more unjust one.