Monday, March 27, 2006


'Busy. To keep things flowing, here are some links for today.

* Do you have lingering doubts about the official 9/11 narrative? What’s your HOP level?

* So the sleeping giant awakens. Good to see. Some quality background material on the immigration "debate," here.

* The NY Times finally reports on one of the "Downing Street Memos." This particular one first surfaced in the British media last month. Plus, Greg Mitchell provides the missing context.

* The US military is accused of "massacring" at least 22 at the Al Mustafa mosque in a heavily Shiite Baghdad neighborhood, which is causing all sorts of ripples in Iraqi politics. Meanwhile, investigations into the November Haditha killings and the March 15th Abu Sifa (Ishaqi) killings by US troops continue.

* Still looking for some semblance of debate on the Israel lobby, but I'm not holding my breath. Also, Israeli elections are tomorrow. Ha'aretz has full coverage.

* Anatol Lieven offers some useful advice to the neocons, aggressive nationalists, and, yes, the lovable CMLs: cut it out, already!