Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Paul Woodward on the recent Mearsheimer-Walt paper about the Israeli lobby:

If the participation of the Dean of the Kennedy School of Government can't open up and legitimize this debate [about the US-Israel relationship], it's hard to imagine what it might take to stir faint-hearted liberals into action -- but this is no time to remain silent.

In recent years, the slogan, "What did you do in the war?", has been used to good effect by many antiwar campaigners, yet as the U.S. and Israel continue gearing up to take on Iran, how many of those same campaigners if asked, "What did you do to challenge the influence of the Israel Lobby?" would now have nothing to say?
Regular readers are probably sick of my posting about the I/P conflict, and will know where I stand on this issue. It's disappointing, to say the least, that few people seem willing to run with it.