Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wiretapping more extensive than previously revealed


In case you blinked, an article in last week's Washington Post revealed that Alberto "Bush Consigliere" Gonzales hinted that the illegal NSA spying program was bigger than had been thought.

There's so much going on -- what with Bush giving the green light for atomic weapons to India and videotapes showing him having lied about Hurricane Katrina and having the leadership ability of a mushroom, and the civil war in Iraq starting to turn on full boil -- that the national press hardly had time to notice that Bush's illegal behavior may be -- well -- even more illegal.

In layman's term, this means that the Bush administration is probably spying on us, in violation of the law, with more vigor than the New York Times has reported.
Little surprise, then, that the GOP is working hard to quash an investigation.