Why Aren't We Dead?
Damn. And here I thought I was going to be able to drop the "eve" from this blog's title. Guess I'll have to wait a wee bit longer...
(ps -- I'll be trying to restart posting over the weekend soon.)
Damn. And here I thought I was going to be able to drop the "eve" from this blog's title. Guess I'll have to wait a wee bit longer...
(ps -- I'll be trying to restart posting over the weekend soon.)
Posted by
12:09 AM
al-ahram weekly (egy)
daily star (lbn)
financial times (uk)
guardian/observer (uk)
ha'aretz (isr)
independent (uk)
international herald tribune (fra)
london times
sydney morning herald
the national (uae)
yedioth ahronoth (isr)