Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Scattershot links

* It sure is going to be fun watching the US flush its middle class down the drain as "globalization" is pursued down the rabbit hole.

* Is the press finally taking voter fraud seriously? Joe Strupp says there are encouraging signs. The one problem is that it's not going to mean much with the November elections just around the corner. The real question is whether this issue gets dropped like a hot potato afterwards.

* Sound the alarm. The consumption of Earth's resources at current levels by humans isn't sustainable, claims a new WWF report.

* Jane Mayer provides more detail on the CIA's "torture flights" in the New Yorker.

* So Israel "welcomes a fascist" into its government and brazenly continues stealing Palestinian land. Nothing to see there, as usual.

* According to the NY Times, the situation on the ground in Darfur has been getting worse in recent weeks because of ramped up attacks by forces opposed to the Khartoum government.