Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Savage Nation, Indeed

Scoobie Davis has a spot awaiting him in heaven. Why? 'Cause he dares to trek through the sludge in Michael Savage's new book, Savage Nation, and catalogue its horrors.

After his marvelous documentation of Queen Ann's best-seller, and the failure of others to pick up the slack on Sean Hannity's Let Freedom Ring, Scoobie just wasn't gonna let this one slip by. The Savage and Hannity books, by the way, are (still) on the NY Times' best seller list.

On a related note, the LA Times reports that 22% of Americans get their every day news from Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, et al.

...and people wonder why I refer to the "eve of the apocalypse" on this blog. Sheesh.