Monday, September 18, 2006

Targets elsewhere

Is this good news or bad? I suppose it depends on your perspective.

The sectarian violence that has brought Iraq to the verge of civil war has had one unexpected benefit: a marked fall in the number of United States military casualties in Baghdad.

American combat deaths in the capital are down 50 per cent on this time last year and some terrorists say the US has succeeded in deflecting attention from its own troops.

"Now we are fighting each other," said one insurgent. "That is what the Americans wanted and now they are winning."

From July to September last year, 44 US personnel were killed in Baghdad. In the corresponding period this year, the figure fell to 24, a reflection, according to militia leaders, of the changing priorities of the insurgents.
Again, here's a link for getting an idea of just how many people are being killed daily, whether it be from infighting amongst militias or not. It would be perverse to take any solace in this news.